This week has been an awesome one! I had to go to the Superior Courthouse to get some old paperwork for our adoption, and as I was in the Records Department, I couldn't help overhearing a very angry and defeated man at the records table. Come to find out he was a lawyer, and from the sound of it, not a very happy one at that! As I was standing in line to get my documents, I felt that I should give him a Million Dollar Bill tract, hoping that might cheer him up? Well, I reached into my pocket bag, and just as I was heading to this bitter and complaining man, he got up and left. Well, I finished with the Records Receptionist, and as I was heading out into the hall, I observed the very same man, looking at the court docket. I "set my face like flint" swallowed my fear and walked right up to him and handed him a Million tract. I said " Hey, would a million dollars cheer ya up?" He looked at the bill, went back to the docket and said "No, I don't think so!" I could tell he was not open to the Gospel, or for any conversation for that matter. This is the point... Sometimes, you are going to get rejected, sometimes you are going to get ignored, but there will be times when you have the opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ... and all your rejections won't matter at all!
Well I headed outside, and found a few folks waiting for the court, I handed each one a tract and they really appreciated them! Wow... within a matter of minutes I went from experiencing rejection to experiencing joy in that the Gospel was spread. I didn't get to share my faith with either, yet the group that took the tracts got Gods Word unto Salvation! Now for the "KICKER" I found a fishing hole, that is full of those who need to hear the Gospel, and some who need to hear of the Mercy and Grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Pray for angry Lawyer Man, and for those who received the Gospel through those tracts!
Keep Fishing!