Our weekend stroll to the local "FARMERS" was an interesting one. As I am in a period of conviction about one 2 one witnessing, I was heading out to the local farmers market last Saturday to hand out tracts and share my faith. I am so struggling with one 2 one witnessing that I know it is a "coming up higher" period in my desire for Christ likeness. I handed out tracts boldly (ONLY in the Holy Spirits power not mine!) and met a lady heading from the market, and handed her a tract. "Did ya get your million dollars today" I said. She took the tract and said "What is it?" I told her it was a Gospel tract, and she asked me from what church? I noticed a familiar accent in her voice, and asked her where she was from. She said she was from Kenya and visiting a sick friend here. I told her about the gospel tract and even though she said she was a Christian, I gave her a brief law and Gospel message that was reinforced by the message on the back of the tract. This I did, not because I was judging her, as only God knows a persons heart when it comes to their salvation. But I am learning that alot of people say that they are Christians, and one way to share is give them the law and Gospel message, if they have truly repented and put their trust in Jesus Christ for their salvation, they can learn a way to witness to others through you, OR you can learn from them. If they are a "false convert" then they have heard the Law and Gospel and can have the Holy Spirit work conviction in them to get right with GOD. I have been experiencing an increased amount of conviction to go DEEPER in sharing my faith, and you can be sure that I am also experiencing alot of spiritual warfare as well. Beloved, these are the times we get tempered in the fire of God, that He may refine us, purify us, and it is hard. But we need to focus our eyes on Jesus, and his commandment that we go and share the Gospel "And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation" Mark 16:15 nasb
By all means, if the work is hard, the fear great, or the persecution severe, remember who you serve, and the blessing of being HIS messenger of the gospel that saves a sinner from hell!
Until the nets are full and the sorting done!