Greetings Beloved.... It's been awhile and I just wanted to share with you a very special teaching moment that happened today with my three and a half year old son Joseph. We were heading to our local market to get some items and Joe was going to go to the "machines" with his two quarters (the ones that are always at the entrance of the store) We saw these two folks sitting outside the store and as we parked, I got Joe out of his car seat, grabbed my bible and thumbed through it, all the while trying to find a passage to read to them. As I got to the book of Ephesians, I stopped on Chapter 5. We headed to them, Introduced ourselves to this couple, and I started reading this passage to them... They were quiet and very engaged, and when I finished I was able to share the need for repentance and faith in Jesus Christ to them. They were so thankful, then the lady pulled out a well worn copy of "our daily bread" and proceeded to tell me how she had just read a passage to her man, and that she had some questions on 1
Corinthians 1:3-11. I was blessed to be able to read to them and help them to understand some background of these passages. Joe took out his coins and we gave them to the couple,"not much" I said..but they were so thankful even for a few coins (they didn't know it was machine money, but we did!) How does this relate to evangelism... Here's the point...
I've been weak and lazy about sharing my faith lately ... always ready to share when the opportunity arises, but not heading out for the sole purpose of sharing the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. Today I was not going to let this day go by without sharing God's Word, and returning to regularly sharing the Gospel and open air preaching! It's not easy to do beloved, it's scary, and it's uncomfortable true, but think about how scary and uncomfortable an eternity in hell will be for the unrepentant? How many have passed within your voice...and you refused to "snatch them from the fire"
Jude 1:23 "save others, snatching them out of the fire; and on some have mercy with fear, hating even the garment polluted by the flesh."
Why, brothers and sisters..because of fear... fear of what... rejection? Did not our Savior face rejection and tell us we shall do so too?
Luke 6:22"Blessed are you when men hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man."
I am guilty of letting this "uncircumcised Philistine" called fear make me cower and become useless for the Kingdom of God... But dear ones, today, I started choosing the best round stones I could find, fitting them in the sling of Gods Word, and I am running towards the battle, not in armor, but in the strength of our Lord God Almighty. With just a sling and a stone!
May the Lord bless you, and strengthen you, as you prepare for battle.
Oh and the teaching moment.... Joe got to share Gods word, give, and engage in the battle for men's souls.. a teaching moment indeed!
Until all the harvest is done and the enemy has fallen at the feet of Christ!