Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sowin' seeds at the Farmers Market

A beautiful day to head to the Local (farmers market) with my son, Joseph (8 months) The market was really busy today, and it was great to see some of the "regulars" I have passed out tracts to quite a few of the regular vendors and had some great comments about them. I met a really nice vendor who I had purchased from, but never witnessed to. She was from Palmdale,CA and regularly makes the "circuit" of Farmers markets. She loved the million dollar bill, and was so excited to have one. Whenever someone does something nice I try to come back with "HEY, SUCH A NICE GESTURE IS WORTH A MILLION DOLLARS..HERE" and I hand them a million dollar tract. I tell them it's a Gospel tract and that there is a Gospel message on the back, if they would please take time to read it! I usually tell them also these (the tracts) are fun to ask your friends "HEY, YA GOT CHANGE FOR THIS" Most people are so kind they start to get out their purse or wallet, until they see what it is...a million dollars!  Brothers and sisters, it is so important to share our faith in a biblical way, tracts may be the easiest, but please never underestimate the power of a good tract. 
Until the nets are full.


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