Out at the "farmers" market with Joseph my 20 month old, we had a great time checking out the stalls and vendors. I am always amazed at the enormous opportunities available for evangelism at this very busy farmers market. The vendors have been very receptive to the "million" dollar tracts and it is very easy to hand out tracts as most people take them, however, I have been refused a few times and even had one guy say "I FELL FOR THAT ONE LAST TIME" Did he read it? Pray that he did! We handed out nearly 25 or more tracts and as we were leaving, I met a very nice young lady named Claudia. She was watching me hand out tracts at the bus stop and as I handed her a 3 dollar bill tract, she said " I was wondering what you were doing, what is that on the back?" I was able to give her a quick Gospel message before the bus came, I am so glad to have been able to one 2 one her and share my faith, although quickly. The "stoplight" evangelism in the Ambassadors Academy training is invaluable for witnessing at the "transit" malls, since many times you don't have the luxury of time share your faith. Stoplight evangelism is a training that we had at the Academy were we stood up on a box at a street corner and basically had 90 seconds to share the law,judgement and the good news before the light changes. It is very effective and with some perseverance and good TIMING, you can share the law and Gospel. If you have not tried it, give it a go! Brothers and Sisters, I can only share that Jesus has commanded us to go and make disciples of the nations (Matthew 28:19) But as is stated in Matthew 9:37 Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few." So go Beloved, Go scared, Go unsure of yourself, it's not easy, but the Gospel MUST be shared, and HE has allowed us the blessing to be his message bearer, go in HIS power, and HIS word will not return void!
Until the nets are full!
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