On November 18th, Our "TEAM" of 4 went to San Jose Sate University and handed out 1000, 150th anniversary editions of Charles Darwins origins of species... with a twist! This edition, had a 54 page introduction by Ray Comfort, and contained the Gospel message!
Our team started arriving at 7:00 am, and even though we had a basic plan to meet and park, well, the enemy, and his minions were in full swing to thwart this effort. first, the parking structure we were to use was a PERMIT ONLY parking structure, so, of course, we needed to find a new place to park, so the Lord countered that attack with providing us a parking spot just across the street from the west entrance to the campus! What a blessing, as the books were distributed on campus, and re-supplied from the back of my truck less than 1 block away!
The parking was at a taqueria, cold as it was that morning, we met inside for coffee and a plan.
Soon, there were three soldiers of Jesus Christ, heading out into the battlefield, breaching the stronghold of the atheist camp... our universities! After spending some time in prayer, we pulled 4 boxes of books out of the truck, and headed onto the campus. As we entered the west end of the campus, we saw a small kiosk(see above) and this became our base camp. As we opened the boxes, and started handing out the books, we realized how big this endeavor was, as the 4 boxes went in about 15 minutes! I returned to my truck and quickly grabbed 5 more boxes with my handy dandy folding hand truck and raced back to our "camp" It was such a blessing to see how appreciative most of the students were, as the received the free books. I found myself
having such a great time handing the books out and engaging in conversations with the recipients. I received many interesting responses for the "million dollar bill" tract I placed in each book that I handed out, telling them, "HERE'S A GREAT BOOKMARK FOR YA!" Gabriel, our "Star" team member would load up books in his backpack and on his lap and scoot off to parts unknown handing out books, then would return for another load. Tim, out videographer and resident apologist (man, he knows his bible!) would be handing out a book in one hand, and holding the camera in the other!!! Mr. multi-tasker! Our Brother Kurt arrived later and could be found, handing out books and sharing his faith with many students!
As the day wore on, we broke for lunch, and returned, fueled up and ready to go... this is when we met "paul." Paul was very engaging, and was a great witness for the Lord, as he was very supportive, and a quite likable guy. In comparison, we soon met "brent." This young man was very bitter,very angry, and very,very opinionated! He refuted anything we would say with statements like "DON'T EVEN GO THERE WITH THE LACK OF FOSSIL RECORDS" or " DON'T TRY TO CONVINCE ME ABOUT IRREDUCIBLE COMPLEXITY" He became so agitated, he grabbed a copy of the book, and tore out the front section angrily, then throwing it in the garbage, as not to litter...Hmmmm? As he stormed off, I could see our first real opposition stomping off in the distance. A while later as I was reaching down in the box for the last few books of this load, I noticed in the corner of my eye, someone heading towards me... Yep, it was brent. My eyes immediately shot to his hands to see if he was holding a weapon, (old military habits die hard) and I noticed he had a new copy of the book. He headed straight to me and as I prepared for the worst, said "YOU KNOW, I'M VERY SORRY FOR HOW I ACTED EARLIER"
Well, as I picked my jaw up off the sidewalk, all I could do was thank him, and encourage him that, that was a nice thing to do. This led us into a long, animated conversation, ending in agreeing to disagree. He did, hear the law, gospel and the need for repentance tho! As we were nearing our last few boxes, I saw Kurt and Tim having a conversation with a lady, tim, having to go, led her over to Gabriel and I... well the war was on! See this lady was a biology instructor with a PHD in Astrophysics.... Yes we may have felt out-gunned, but our Lord is infinitely greater than any of His creation, and the Gospel is the sharpest of all two edged swords!
Our professor, argued and refuted any disputed area of evolution, like the lack of transitional forms, irreducible complexity,proof in creation and would turn it around to a religious "guilt trip" and frequently said " WHAT A SHAME YOU'VE WASTED SUCH A MIND" to Gabriel, like you have to park your mind at the door if you don't believe in evolution! Through the power of the Holy Spirit, We were able to give her the law,hell, repentance and the Gospel during our nearly 1 1/2 hour "conversation" Spent from her failed efforts to convince us we were lunatics, she left, another deceived and lost soul. I know both Gabriel and I were saddened by her lack of concern for her eternity, and this encounter frequently come to my mind.
We met and engaged in conversation with many students and faculty, and gave out all the books
as our day drew to a close, there was a sense of accomplishment, and yet a sadness that this great battle was done. How many lives were touched that beautiful November day? Only the Lord knows! We, the team received the greatest blessing of all, and that is for a moment in time, we were Gods hands and feet, his voice and his heart. Please be in prayer for the students who now have BOTH sides of the story, and be in prayer how the Lord can use you!
Until next time loved ones!
A special thanks to Gabriel, Tim, and Kurt true warriors of GOD!