Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The "Origins in Schools" Project

The "Origins in Schools Project"

On November 18th, Our "TEAM" of 4 went to San Jose Sate University and handed out 1000, 150th anniversary editions of Charles Darwins origins of species... with a twist! This edition, had a 54 page introduction by Ray Comfort, and contained the Gospel message!

Our team started arriving at 7:00 am, and even though we had a basic plan to meet and park, well, the enemy, and his minions were in full swing to thwart this effort. first, the parking structure we were to use was a PERMIT ONLY parking structure, so, of course, we needed to find a new place to park, so the Lord countered that attack with providing us a parking spot just across the street from the west entrance to the campus! What a blessing, as the books were distributed on campus, and re-supplied from the back of my truck less than 1 block away!
The parking was at a taqueria, cold as it was that morning, we met inside for coffee and a plan.
Soon, there were three soldiers of Jesus Christ, heading out into the battlefield, breaching the stronghold of the atheist camp... our universities! After spending some time in prayer, we pulled 4 boxes of books out of the truck, and headed onto the campus. As we entered the west end of the campus, we saw a small kiosk(see above) and this became our base camp. As we opened the boxes, and started handing out the books, we realized how big this endeavor was, as the 4 boxes went in about 15 minutes! I returned to my truck and quickly grabbed 5 more boxes with my handy dandy folding hand truck and raced back to our "camp" It was such a blessing to see how appreciative most of the students were, as the received the free books. I found myself
having such a great time handing the books out and engaging in conversations with the recipients. I received many interesting responses for the "million dollar bill" tract I placed in each book that I handed out, telling them, "HERE'S A GREAT BOOKMARK FOR YA!" Gabriel, our "Star" team member would load up books in his backpack and on his lap and scoot off to parts unknown handing out books, then would return for another load. Tim, out videographer and resident apologist (man, he knows his bible!) would be handing out a book in one hand, and holding the camera in the other!!! Mr. multi-tasker! Our Brother Kurt arrived later and could be found, handing out books and sharing his faith with many students!

As the day wore on, we broke for lunch, and returned, fueled up and ready to go... this is when we met "paul." Paul was very engaging, and was a great witness for the Lord, as he was very supportive, and a quite likable guy. In comparison, we soon met "brent." This young man was very bitter,very angry, and very,very opinionated! He refuted anything we would say with statements like "DON'T EVEN GO THERE WITH THE LACK OF FOSSIL RECORDS" or " DON'T TRY TO CONVINCE ME ABOUT IRREDUCIBLE COMPLEXITY" He became so agitated, he grabbed a copy of the book, and tore out the front section angrily, then throwing it in the garbage, as not to litter...Hmmmm? As he stormed off, I could see our first real opposition stomping off in the distance. A while later as I was reaching down in the box for the last few books of this load, I noticed in the corner of my eye, someone heading towards me... Yep, it was brent. My eyes immediately shot to his hands to see if he was holding a weapon, (old military habits die hard) and I noticed he had a new copy of the book. He headed straight to me and as I prepared for the worst, said "YOU KNOW, I'M VERY SORRY FOR HOW I ACTED EARLIER"
Well, as I picked my jaw up off the sidewalk, all I could do was thank him, and encourage him that, that was a nice thing to do. This led us into a long, animated conversation, ending in agreeing to disagree. He did, hear the law, gospel and the need for repentance tho! As we were nearing our last few boxes, I saw Kurt and Tim having a conversation with a lady, tim, having to go, led her over to Gabriel and I... well the war was on! See this lady was a biology instructor with a PHD in Astrophysics.... Yes we may have felt out-gunned, but our Lord is infinitely greater than any of His creation, and the Gospel is the sharpest of all two edged swords!
Our professor, argued and refuted any disputed area of evolution, like the lack of transitional forms, irreducible complexity,proof in creation and would turn it around to a religious "guilt trip" and frequently said " WHAT A SHAME YOU'VE WASTED SUCH A MIND" to Gabriel, like you have to park your mind at the door if you don't believe in evolution! Through the power of the Holy Spirit, We were able to give her the law,hell, repentance and the Gospel during our nearly 1 1/2 hour "conversation" Spent from her failed efforts to convince us we were lunatics, she left, another deceived and lost soul. I know both Gabriel and I were saddened by her lack of concern for her eternity, and this encounter frequently come to my mind.

We met and engaged in conversation with many students and faculty, and gave out all the books
as our day drew to a close, there was a sense of accomplishment, and yet a sadness that this great battle was done. How many lives were touched that beautiful November day? Only the Lord knows! We, the team received the greatest blessing of all, and that is for a moment in time, we were Gods hands and feet, his voice and his heart. Please be in prayer for the students who now have BOTH sides of the story, and be in prayer how the Lord can use you!

Until next time loved ones!

A special thanks to Gabriel, Tim, and Kurt true warriors of GOD!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Food and Faith, lunch and a lesson

Dear Beloved:

I had a great day today, and had a wonderful opportunity to share the Gospel and help be Jesus hands today. I was heading over to the Church today, and found everyone was out. So I went to the local Starbucks to get a "cuppa" and my Yorkshire friend used to say. I got a cup of Joe and sat at a table just outside the "bucks" I saw a man standing near the table I asked his name and he said "Burt" and after some pleasantries I asked him how he was doing? He said that he was hungry and it was near his birthday? I could tell he was genuine in his request(not that that matters!) and so we went to Subway for some grub. We returned to the table and I was able to share the Law and Gospel with him, and It was a blessing. See Iv'e been struggling lately with getting out and sharing the most wonderful gift given to me, that cost me NOTHING and cost Him EVERYTHING and that's Salvation from the wrath to come, and Eternal life. Funny, how we can go out and tell even strangers that we got a new car, job, baby..etc yet, when it comes to the Gospel, we are shy and afraid.

Brothers and Sisters we should be telling everyone we see, the wonderful gift of Life that cost our Saviors Body and Blood. What is it we (I) fear? man's disapproval, his wrath, pain,rejection? So what, we're talking about the Savior of the World, the Holy Creator of the Universe, The Lamb of God, God himself! How weak and fallen we are, how shallow, that we can boast about our accomplishments, our possessions,our jobs, and yet are afraid to boast about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! How is it that God even lets us live for one second, it is by His Mercy and Grace, definitely not because of ANYTHING we've done! I may be admonishing you, but I am definitely admonishing myself and I' pray that you and I would get boldness and courage from our Lord to proclaim His Good News! I was reading the other day in Revelation, and do you realize that coward's will NOT inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, Behold " Then He said to me, It is done. I am he Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give to the one who thirsts from the spring of life without cost. He who overcomes will inherit these things and I will be his God and he will be my son. But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone which is the second death." Revelation 21:6-8 nasb

Go beloved, go in strength, go in HIS strength, for His Glory and Honor GO!!!


Saturday, September 5, 2009


Dear Brothers and Sisters:

After a year of Wednesdays I chose to venture out on Friday and go "FISHING" so now I have established "Faith Fridays" I have been doing a little tracting, but I haven't been out one 2 one or open airing lately, and needed some encouragement to do so. I am in a open air reading project called "Project EZRA" (see Project Ezra on facebook) where each week we are challenged to read a chapter of the bible in the open air, this inevitably leads to preaching Gods Word and the Gospel of Salvation. This Project was started by Tony Miano, and Dan Beaudoin, Tony leads the Ambassadors Academy and Dan and I attended Academy #3. As I headed out to the Transit Mall, I met a young man named "Ethan" and I gave him a MILLION and asked him"
Ethan, what do you think happens to us after we die" Then he and I had a long conversation about his beliefs in reincarnation, and I was able to explain the good person test to him. He was very nice and attentive, and thanked me as he left to catch his shuttle. At the transit mall, the train platforms fill up pretty quick right before the train comes, and I have not had the courage to open air on the platform, so today I went to the platform (right before the train came) and handed out tracts, and had fun with the folks there.

I have often felt like I should open air on the platforms, and if the train comes, so be it, and finally had the courage to head up there, This can be a great way to "break the ice" not that we should need to, I mean, we should just get past our fears and PREACH, but in this case it helped me to get a feel of the timing between when people line up for the train and how long before it comes. I cant wait to go there again and see how the Lord will move. Pray that I will have the courage to preach on the platforms and the Holy Spirit leads. I encourage you to go to the Project Ezra website and join, get out read Gods Word to a dark and dying world. Give the LIVING WATER to those whom are perishing in their thirst. Thank you for your patience in these last few weeks!

Until the nets are full!


Monday, August 17, 2009

A must see! PLEASE

Brothers and Sisters:

Feeling a little weak in your walk? Feeling a little non-committal to evangelizing those whom are perishing? Have you forgotten what is in store for those who do not know Christ or have a false conversion? Please watch this video.(For non HTML viewers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gub5uaiT3)

Until all have heard, and eternity comes!

Monday, August 3, 2009


Out at the "farmers" market with Joseph my 20 month old, we had a great time checking out the stalls and vendors. I am always amazed at the enormous opportunities available for evangelism at this very busy farmers market. The vendors have been very receptive to the "million" dollar tracts and it is very easy to hand out tracts as most people take them, however, I have been refused a few times and even had one guy say "I FELL FOR THAT ONE LAST TIME" Did he read it? Pray that he did! We handed out nearly 25 or more tracts and as we were leaving, I met a very nice young lady named Claudia. She was watching me hand out tracts at the bus stop and as I handed her a 3 dollar bill tract, she said " I was wondering what you were doing, what is that on the back?" I was able to give her a quick Gospel message before the bus came, I am so glad to have been able to one 2 one her and share my faith, although quickly. The "stoplight" evangelism in the Ambassadors Academy training is invaluable for witnessing at the "transit" malls, since many times you don't have the luxury of time share your faith. Stoplight evangelism is a training that we had at the Academy were we stood up on a box at a street corner and basically had 90 seconds to share the law,judgement and the good news before the light changes. It is very effective and with some perseverance and good TIMING, you can share the law and Gospel. If you have not tried it, give it a go! Brothers and Sisters, I can only share that Jesus has commanded us to go and make disciples of the nations (Matthew 28:19) But as is stated in Matthew 9:37 Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few." So go Beloved, Go scared, Go unsure of yourself, it's not easy, but the Gospel MUST be shared, and HE has allowed us the blessing to be his message bearer, go in HIS power, and HIS word will not return void!

Until the nets are full!


Monday, July 13, 2009

The "FARMERS" market


Our weekend stroll to the local "FARMERS" was an interesting one. As I am in a period of conviction about one 2 one witnessing, I was heading out to the local farmers market last Saturday to hand out tracts and share my faith. I am so struggling with one 2 one witnessing that I know it is a "coming up higher" period in my desire for Christ likeness. I handed out tracts boldly (ONLY in the Holy Spirits power not mine!) and met a lady heading from the market, and handed her a tract. "Did ya get your million dollars today" I said. She took the tract and said "What is it?" I told her it was a Gospel tract, and she asked me from what church? I noticed a familiar accent in her voice, and asked her where she was from. She said she was from Kenya and visiting a sick friend here. I told her about the gospel tract and even though she said she was a Christian, I gave her a brief law and Gospel message that was reinforced by the message on the back of the tract. This I did, not because I was judging her, as only God knows a persons heart when it comes to their salvation. But I am learning that alot of people say that they are Christians, and one way to share is give them the law and Gospel message, if they have truly repented and put their trust in Jesus Christ for their salvation, they can learn a way to witness to others through you, OR you can learn from them. If they are a "false convert" then they have heard the Law and Gospel and can have the Holy Spirit work conviction in them to get right with GOD. I have been experiencing an increased amount of conviction to go DEEPER in sharing my faith, and you can be sure that I am also experiencing alot of spiritual warfare as well. Beloved, these are the times we get tempered in the fire of God, that He may refine us, purify us, and it is hard. But we need to focus our eyes on Jesus, and his commandment that we go and share the Gospel "And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation" Mark 16:15 nasb
By all means, if the work is hard, the fear great, or the persecution severe, remember who you serve, and the blessing of being HIS messenger of the gospel that saves a sinner from hell!
Until the nets are full and the sorting done!


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Project EZRA, 1 John on the 4th!


As a part of Project EZRA, we have been challenged to read a chapter or verse, open air from the Bible. We had the blessed opportunity to read Matthew chapter 5 on Memorial Day, and 1 John on the 4th of July. I went to my regular "fishing hole" in Mountain View, and found that there was no one there!!! Now, I had observed a bus stop not too far away, that had alot of people waiting for the buses, but alas, no one was there either! It was the 4th of July and the transit areas were pretty empty. Getting discouraged, I remembered that our own train station was close by, and even though there is usually not very many people there at any given time, I went to check it out. To my surprise, it was packed with people waiting for the train to go to the fireworks in San Francisco! After a serious time of prayer, that He would give me courage, and open hearts to His word, I proceeded to the train station.

I headed out to the platform, tracts in hand. Sure, I was nervous, and that same ol' fear of man presented itself in full force, but I know that Gods Word says "You are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he who is in the world" (1 John 4:4 nasb) I grabbed my "million" dollar bill tracts and started handing them out, telling all that I was giving them a 4th of July gift of a million dollars. People were very receptive, and even enjoyed getting them. The train came just as I was handing the tracts to the last people in line. After the train pulled away from the platform, I headed to the ticket area (see picture) there were quite a few people buying tickets and sitting waiting for the train. I found an elevated area, opened up Gods word and said "May I have your attention please" and started reading 1 John. As always, a few folks left as soon as I started reading, but there were many who stood listening, and even a couple of young men who sat right in front and appeared to be fully engaged... Praise God! It is only by the power of the Holy Spirit within us brothers and sisters that allows us to preach His word, and it is that very Spirit, that will cause a lost soul to repent and turn, putting their faith in Jesus Christ alone for their salvation! We are not so blind to know that God could have engineered another way to share His word, and save, but He chose us to do His work and be a part of His plan for Salvation! So go boldly, even if you are afraid, and do the Blessed work of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

Until the nets are full and Jesus comes to take us home!


Thursday, June 25, 2009


Dear Beloved:
Thank you for your patience over this last month or two. I would like you to know that I appreciate your prayers and thoughts. This last 11 weeks have been a time of "tilling" the soil of my soul. I have been dealing with some serious life changes this past few weeks, and believe it, it has been a blessing! What do I mean? Well, this picture on the left is a place where I had gone to pray. I have had an employment setback lately, and I was angry,hurt and bitter, so I went out to our local bayside and sat and poured out my heart to Him. After weeks of bitterness, I "came to my senses" I had prayed prior to my interview, and I finally realized (hello..robert!!!) that God had closed the door to this chapter in my life. I also realized that He could have blessed me with the job,but didn't. I am always amazed how our Lord opens and closes doors in HIS wisdom not ours! Instead of taking a Faith approach, I took a flesh approach. All the while, I did try to make feeble attempts to evangelize by handing out tracts, and looking for any opportunities to share my faith, yet how could I truly love others and share the Gospel with them in that state? Sometimes, you need to forget about yourself, and your problems, and get on with the blessing of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ! This is what I have learned, It's NOT about me, It will Never be about me, it's all about Jesus...period! When life give you lemons.. make lemonade..THEN give it away in Love for His Glory! Do not be discouraged my friends, I remember that one time when I was feeling low and uninspired, my Worship leader said "that is the time you need to Worship" He was right!
My employment situation has not changed, and guess what... neither has the God that loves us.
nor, His message, nor His promises to us changed.. you choose, Faith or flesh! Please be in prayer for my family, and pray for me that I can use this time to Honor Jesus Christ, for His glory!

Until the nets are full!


Monday, May 25, 2009

FanimeCon 2009

Taking full advantage of a crowd, my Brother in Christ and fellow Ambassadors Academy #3 graduate, Dan B and I set up outside the San Jose Convention center last Saturday evening. There was a animae convention going on, and presented a perfect place to open air, and one on one evangelize. Being the "Sermon on the mount" Saturday, where over 700 people around the world,would  read the 5-7th books of Matthew in the open air, Dan set up his step ladder and started reciting the books in Matthew. Within minutes, he was surrounded by loud and quite obnoxious hecklers. One in particular was this kid, a few times I felt the wind his sword near my head, and all the while behind Dan were a bunch of kids mocking the Gospel. A lot of kids shouted blasphemous from a distance or as passing through. Nevertheless, Dan continued. There were quite a few who were listening and many that were very vocal, When Dan had finished, I was having quite a conversation with a very pleasant young man named "Colin"
He told us he came from a catholic background, and we spent the better part of an hour or so, explaining the Gospel to him,and refuting many of his misconceptions, about true Biblical Christianity. This turned out to be such a blessing to me, as I have been convicted about my limited one on one witnessing. 

 When we had concluded our witnessing, we found out another "Christian" group had been out right before us, and had incited the group with it's inflammatory and accusational style;thereby
most of the crowd was venting from an apparent "wonderful" witnessing experience they had just had "shoved down their throats!" Most of the "listening" ones stayed for the whole recitation, and a few agreed that we presented the Gospel "differently" It is my prayer that God was glorified by our time at FanimeCon 2009, and that some may have heard the Gospel, repented, and turned putting their Faith in Christ. Sure we could have been discouraged, but Gods Word NEVER returns void. EVER!!!! Thanks Dan for your courage,and Thanks be to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, for giving us the opportunity to share His Gospel of Salvation.
whether you jump into the smoke, or jump straight into the blaze,by all means save some!
Funny Dan and I didn't even smell like smoke!

Until the nets are full and the sorting is done!


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Tracts and the Constitution

Hello Beloved:

 After a significant break (not from evangelizing) but from blogging, I have had some interesting times this last month.  I was blessed to be able to go on our annual fishing trip this year, and had a great time. We were to have Sunday Service this year for the first time, but ended up as a bible study with My brother in Christ, Jeremy and the son of one of our "shipmates" El. So on a beautiful Sunday morning, we were in the front compartment of our rented houseboat, studying Gods Word and praying. It was a great time. We also had a blessing this year as, our Brother "EL"
had us say grace at the dinner table... all of us!  It was great to have all aboard bowing their heads in thanks for our meal! AWESOME... Had many opportunities to witness to our "shipmates" and at Lake Shasta in California, The handiwork of GOD is a blessing everyday! Brothers and Sisters, everyday, in any situation, we have the wonderful opportunity to be a witness for our Lord and Savior. Seek out these times, use them for HIS glory, and not only will you receive a new outlook on your day, but you will be Seeking Him and His  glory in all things!
Have a blessed week, and remember to pray for our country today, it is the National Day of Prayer, pray that we would humble ourselves before Almighty God, turn from our sins and self reliance, and seek HIM first and foremost in all things! Pray that our leaders would repent and turn and put their trust in Jesus Christ and HIM alone! Pray that those who are true disciples of Jesus Christ that are serving ANYWHERE will seek HIM first in all decisions. Pray that our brave men and women of the armed forces will discharge their duties with grace, and mercy. Diligently serving God as His arm of Justice. May we also remember those who have given up life, liberty, and even lives to make this country a place where we can freely Worship and proclaim HIS message of Salvation "ON YOUR KNEES BRETHREN,HUMBLE YOURSELVES BEFORE ALMIGHTY GOD"

Your servant in Christ


Friday, March 20, 2009

Around and Around and Around

Brothers and Sisters:

 It's been awhile, and I have so many stories to tell you, But I will save time by just relating this one encounter I had with "ARNOLD"(not the Gover-nator) yesterday! As my son Joseph and I were out on a stroll, on a beautiful, sunny California day (we are so blessed!), I saw a man sitting on a park bench with a fully "LOADED" shopping cart, I felt that familiar prompting of the Spirit to give this man a Gospel Tract, and of course my flesh is already trying to justify not being obedient, crossroads my friends, crossroads! Jojo and I approached the man and I said "Hey, you gotta a mighty nice cart there, but I bet in all that stuff, you don't have one of these?" and I handed him a "million" tract. He looked down,and the first thing he said, is "This must be a Jesus" and looked up at me and said "NO THANKS" He was polite enough and quite jovial, so I asked him, "you gotta lot of books, just use it as a bookmark, it has a great message on the back" hoping to move from the natural to the Spiritual. He then started to remark about how this "Whole thing" is wrong, and started off on some eastern religion thing, 'round and around. We listened to him politely, and then when I had the opportunity to share a Gospel truth, I no sooner would start sharing, then I would get all confused, and lose my train of thought. Usually when this happens (happens plenty!) I just go back to the basics, of our sin, Gods Holiness, Judgement, hell, Jesus salvation,repentance, etc...
But this time I could not seem to get back to the basics, and I soon realized I was in a losing battle, well... Jojo to the rescue... My son was getting very restless and wanting to go, so I left Him with this thought, please think about what we've talked about today, and think about what if you are wrong? As I was leaving, I noticed he was smoking a cigarette, and I said to him, "Better quit smoking those things, or your gonna find out soon enough!" He was saying that the Lord would return on smoke..and continued to pursue that remark as Joseph and I bid him farewell, his voice trailing off as we left.
WOW.. I was thinking to myself, that was one of the worse witnessing opportunities I've had in a while, when It came to me, It's one of the ONLY ones I've had in a while! As we we're returning home, I just poured out my heart to our Lord, and confessed my lack of commitment to Him lately. These kind of encounters always help us to grow... I knew that I had not prepared my heart well prior to witnessing, Although I had prayed before this witness encounter, I was not pouring out my heart for HIS glory, I had been away from "intentional" witnessing for a season(always ready to share my faith, when I can) and, it seemed my lack of preparation for "BATTLE" caused me to "fall" on the battlefield! The lesson........witnessing IS spiritual warfare, and like in battle, if we do not prepare, don our armor correctly, or not be diligent to practice with,and use our weapons(Gods Word)skillfully, The enemy will gain the upper hand, and you will get defeated!
Please...  Prepare your heart,stay in Gods Word, Know it and how to use it wisely! Don your spiritual armor (Ephesian 6:10-18) and Run to the battle, R  U  N with all your might!

Until the nets are full!

Robert and Joseph

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mid Feb already... wow!

Greetings Brothers and Sisters:

Hey, had a little time off for the first of the year, but have not quit handing out tracts, and sharing my faith. I went to the Local Community College (my ol' alma mater) and scoped out the preaching prospects. The stoplight evangelism will be awesome, as the crosswalks are always full, and I've already had some great response from "tracting" there! I am going to find out from the college their restrictions on preaching on campus (if any). There is a coffee shop across the street with an open area to open air (if the weather gets better) Praying that with this present economic crisis, we are out there proclaiming HIS truth, and warning those whom are lost and destined for hell. Only Jesus can save them from the horrible fate of the unsaved, but we can be about HIS business, as He commanded us to! With the change in leadership, comes many changes that are against the preaching of the Gospel(the fairness doctrine,lukewarm leaders,the same sex agenda,the destruction of biblical marriage,,etc) 
Do NOT believe for a second people, that we are all serving the same God, that is a lie from the pit of hell, and will be the stumbling block of millions upon millions of lost souls, who think they are saved and will suffer the full recompense of their sin! Warn them.... Plead with them.... preach the GOSPEL..... PRAY,SCREAM,WHATEVER YOU MUST DO!!! People are PERISHING for eternity.. and that's a long,long time. 

Until the nets are filled


Thursday, January 8, 2009

It's Wednesday...... Preach it or sit down!

Dear Brethren:

 Well, it's a new year and new opportunities to share the Gospel! I was originally heading to our local Hardware and supply store to get some things to repair the house, when I remembered it was Wednesday. As you may or may not know, I have been witnessing and "tracting" at our local transit mall on Wednesday's over this last year. I felt that leading to head to the Transit mall and share the Gospel, of course I my flesh was resisting.. as always! I got to the mall, and poured myself out upon the mercy of Jesus, asking for His strength, and asking for His leading, for His glory! 

 The first person I met was a man named "Harrison" and I gave him a "AMERICA,AMERICA" tract (these always get taken,compared to the MILLIONS or monetary denomination tracts)
he asked "WHAT IS IT?" I told him it was a Gospel tract, and explains about sin, and that our Founding fathers provided the opportunity for religious freedom. He stated " I don't think muslims have that freedom" I told him you can be muslim in America, but that neither islam, or buddhism, or any other "religion" can save you from your sin, and that Jesus was the only one who claimed to be our Salvation. He said " Yea, he said he is the way, the truth, and the life" I congratulated him on knowing about the bible, But before I could take him through the 10 commandments he told me he needed to catch the bus that had just arrived! Man... Jumped off the hook!!!! (fishing reference) Well, I was encouraged by that encounter, and headed down the train station and handed out tracts and greeted people, as I was heading back to my car, I stopped at the crosswalk, and felt that old leading to get in the middle of the square and preach open air.... I hesitated, trying to justify not preaching.... then in a moment of courage that only the Lord Jesus Christ can give, I pulled out my Bible, turned to Hebrews 9:27  and stood in the square.. "MAY, I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION.. EVERYONE?" Then it was on... I saw many shocked and inquisitive faces peering at me like I was a freak or wild man, yet many in the crowd, were looking and seemed to be attentive! After about 10-15 minutes I had concluded my open air, I couldn't help noticing a man standing in the bus mall, who had stayed for my preaching, and although he had turned around,  he had not left. I hadn't open air preached in a while, and this really helped me to know that God will be glorified, and lives may be saved.  In closing, I want you to know that if you will step out, get past your fears, and preach His word, not from your own understanding, but from His Holy Scriptures, Jesus is faithful and true to make His word reach out to the lost. I don't know how many may have heard His Gospel proclaimed, but I do know that the encouragement I got from one of the bus drivers, let's me know that at least ONE person heard!! Praise God for that!  In this new year, step out, make it your year for proclaiming the Gospel, and keep in touch for more stories of how Jesus is Glorified by the preaching of HIS word!

Until the nets are full!


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Blessings in the New year!


Blessings to you my beloved, and may you proclaim Jesus Christ in strength and courage, for HIS Glory! How can we not tell everyone whom is perishing, that the Lord of Salvation is offering his Blessed hand to pull them from the fire! Who do we fear? "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of Love, and of a sound mind." (2Timothy 1:7)

This new year I challenge you to get beyond your fears, and step out in His power, be BOLD in proclaiming HIM! Remember... Every face you look into, every person you see and meet, if they have not repented and put their trust in Jesus Christ for their salvation will PERISH for eternity....
and that's a long, long time! 

From our family to you and yours!

Until the nets are full and the harvest done!

Robert, Melissa and Joseph.