Saturday, July 19, 2008

HOW TO the farmers market

Brothers and Sisters:
 IT"S THE WEEKEND!  A welcome relief for many! What are you planning to do this weekend; are you going to spend time doing Gods work...I hope so! We have our farmers market this weekend, and what a blessing! One of the hardest things to do when you open air is to draw a crowd. A farmers market,sporting event, or conference is a "READY MADE" gathering of "FISHES" I have found that in "farmers market" fishing, I start with handing out tracts.. The vendors love them, and people are already in a "I'll take that" mode. So, handing them a tract.."HEY,DID YA GET ONE OF THESE" most people are pretty receptive, If you go to the food vendors, many times there will be a line, and your prospects are better for 0ne-on-one. I compare it to fishing in moving water( walking down the street) and finding a fishing hole(those waiting in line to buy). I find that many times people have been found sitting on the curbs between vendors, and can be easily approached...courage my friends...courage. The down side to this evangelism site, is that it can be very busy, very loud and quite intimidating. Just remember that our Lord will guide us to who HE wishes us to witness to, and we just need to be faithful to step out! Let me know how your week/weekend went. And stay tunes for the upcoming podcast! Until all have heard!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Nets...Are they full yet?

Well, it's getting closer to the end of the week and alot is going on! First, I want to send a shout out to my brother Jack, and his family, on the arrival of the newest member of the family. My brother(whom I met at the Ambassadors Academy) has a new son, and Mom and Baby are doing fine! Also, a shout out to my Brothers and Sisters from the Academy, may your "fishing" be plentiful! I had some interesting times this week handing out tracts, and witnessing. I have been scouting out great places to "FISH" and found the perfect fishing hole! It's nearby, in a city next to where I live. The square is a terminal for our local light rail system, the local train system, and a bus terminal, for city bus lines! I went there yesterday to hand out tracts,witness and open air. I haven't open air preached since Huntington beach during the academy last month, and I have been so convicted in my spirit to do so. I have been in prayer daily that I would continue to be on fire for the Lord in seeking and saving the lost. ( I seek..HE saves!) 

I have had many opportunities to open air and have chickened out, so I was determined to preach the Gospel. I arrived about one and a half hours before  had an appointment nearby, I parked my car... did some serious praying and headed to the square. I hadn't been there in a long time so I walked around looking for the best places to open air. Alot of people waiting for the train, and getting on and off the bus and light rail, so it's a really busy place. I made a few feeble attempts to get up on the wall, and preach, each time I got scared and so I walked around handing out tracts, and talking to folks. After three times of losing my nerve, I almost gave up and went home, and as I was about to give up, It came to me.(the spirits leading?).. The only way I can fail in this is to QUIT, and that I was NOT going to do!  I finally decided to head out into the center square, and after a quick prayer I headed out and started preaching the Gospel... People were looking at me, peeking around the bus's, trying to hide in their papers (crazy religious nut!) but as I was preaching, Gods word is powerful, and there were a few who were listening, for sure! When I was done, I thanked the crowd (?) for listening to me and I left... as I was walking, I was struck on how the Lord, didn't let me feel proud, or like I had accomplished something, more like it was something I was supposed to do!  I walked around talking with some more folks, handing out tracts, and felt a new vigor, and was actually looking for another place to preach!  

 We will never know how our sharing of the faith affects those around us, it is so important to be obedient to the Spirits leading, we don't know who the Lord may have led to us, to hear HIS Word and Gospel preached.  Remember  DON'T QUIT! and until the nets are full. FISH ON!