Monday, September 8, 2008

Fishing was slim!


Well, the fishing has been slim....or has the fisherman been lazy?  Went to the Farmers Market on Saturday, and guess what?..... It was closed? There was road work being done, so Sunnyvale didn't hold it's Farmers Market. It was kind of funny, as I was really praying that the Lord would give me courage to hand out tracts, one-on-one, and even open air at this Farmers Market, since I didn't have Joseph (my 9mo old son) with me. I was really having a hard time with my courage and faith to go out this weekend and witness. Finally, I knew that I must get past my fears and just trust in HIM and remember that the power is in HIS word not in my presentation. Well, I got to the farmers market..trembling, and sweating, and.... IT WAS CLOSED! Our Lord has a great sense of humor doesn't He?  

 I'm sure there was a lesson to be learned there, and I know that one day I'll understand! I had some errands to run, and handed out some tracts. When I was checking out at the local supply store, I asked the girl behind the counter if "she was working hard today?" She said she was tired and working hard... It came to me to ask her "Do you ever think you'll work hard enough to be a millionaire?" she said "NO" and I handed her a million dollar bill tract and said " now you have" She laughed and the guy behind me in line said, good job leading her up to that! I didn't get to witness to her, but I could see that this was an effective way to move from the natural to the spiritual! This is so important, to find ways of moving from the natural to the spiritual, and is the first thing we must do, to start our one-on-one's. It adds a new excitement and fun to everything we do, when we can use even the mundane tasks to open up a opportunity to share the Gospel.

 Take some time this week.. tracts in hand, and practice moving a conversation from the natural to the spiritual, and you'll see... It's fun and great practice. Ultimately, you may get the opportunity to share your faith, and the true Gospel of Salvation in our Lord Jesus Christ!
Enjoy Gods humor, share your faith, get past your fears, and help rescue those 155,000 whom are perishing each and every day!

Until the nets are full!
