Saturday, September 5, 2009


Dear Brothers and Sisters:

After a year of Wednesdays I chose to venture out on Friday and go "FISHING" so now I have established "Faith Fridays" I have been doing a little tracting, but I haven't been out one 2 one or open airing lately, and needed some encouragement to do so. I am in a open air reading project called "Project EZRA" (see Project Ezra on facebook) where each week we are challenged to read a chapter of the bible in the open air, this inevitably leads to preaching Gods Word and the Gospel of Salvation. This Project was started by Tony Miano, and Dan Beaudoin, Tony leads the Ambassadors Academy and Dan and I attended Academy #3. As I headed out to the Transit Mall, I met a young man named "Ethan" and I gave him a MILLION and asked him"
Ethan, what do you think happens to us after we die" Then he and I had a long conversation about his beliefs in reincarnation, and I was able to explain the good person test to him. He was very nice and attentive, and thanked me as he left to catch his shuttle. At the transit mall, the train platforms fill up pretty quick right before the train comes, and I have not had the courage to open air on the platform, so today I went to the platform (right before the train came) and handed out tracts, and had fun with the folks there.

I have often felt like I should open air on the platforms, and if the train comes, so be it, and finally had the courage to head up there, This can be a great way to "break the ice" not that we should need to, I mean, we should just get past our fears and PREACH, but in this case it helped me to get a feel of the timing between when people line up for the train and how long before it comes. I cant wait to go there again and see how the Lord will move. Pray that I will have the courage to preach on the platforms and the Holy Spirit leads. I encourage you to go to the Project Ezra website and join, get out read Gods Word to a dark and dying world. Give the LIVING WATER to those whom are perishing in their thirst. Thank you for your patience in these last few weeks!

Until the nets are full!
