Thursday, September 25, 2008

The "WEDNESDAY" walk

Isn't it amazing that the Lord would use a broken vessel to hold His perfect word? On Wednesday, I had the blessed opportunity to go the transit mall and hand out tracts and share my faith. I was starting to feel kinda under the weather, but could only think about our Lord and how much He suffered for me, and then it put my "puny-ness" in perspective! There was hardly anyone there waiting for the train, but the regular fleet of yellow cabs, were lined up like race cars at the starting line! I haven't ventured out to that "field" yet, but I know many have heard me open air preach before.(probably my only hearers on many occasions) I headed out towards the trains, handed out an "AMERICA, AMERICA" tract, (I get from Living Waters Ministries ), turned the corner and ran smack dab into a couple of San Mateo's Finest (police officers) We exchanged hello's and as I passed them I was waiting for the inevitable"EXCUSE ME SIR... MAY I SEE WHAT YOU HAVE IN THAT BAG YOU CARRY?" We'll it didn't happen...too bad.. what a great way to share with them if they opened my satchel and saw all the tracts inside!

 That's when I turned the corner and met "Richard" He was sitting on a bench reading from the BIBLE! I saw he was reading in the book of Joshua. I asked him if he was reading through the bible, and he was. I offered him a million dollar bill, and he laughed, took it, and we had a great time of sharing the million tract, and about sharing our faith. I was able to share with him, that it is hard to witness, but it is so important, that we must get past our fears and follow our Lord to seek and save those whom are perishing! Bottom line is.... Our Lord is so Awesome and Salvation is so necessary, we must go... even feeling badly, and our Lord is Faithful to give us all we need. The power of the Gospel is in HIS message not in our delivery, It is for HIS glory, not for our comfort, and HIS word will be proclaimed to the ends of the earth, with us or without us. So stay strong, do the work of the evangelist, examine yourself in the light of Gods law, and keep up the good work He has called us to do!

Until the nets are full!
