Thursday, January 8, 2009

It's Wednesday...... Preach it or sit down!

Dear Brethren:

 Well, it's a new year and new opportunities to share the Gospel! I was originally heading to our local Hardware and supply store to get some things to repair the house, when I remembered it was Wednesday. As you may or may not know, I have been witnessing and "tracting" at our local transit mall on Wednesday's over this last year. I felt that leading to head to the Transit mall and share the Gospel, of course I my flesh was resisting.. as always! I got to the mall, and poured myself out upon the mercy of Jesus, asking for His strength, and asking for His leading, for His glory! 

 The first person I met was a man named "Harrison" and I gave him a "AMERICA,AMERICA" tract (these always get taken,compared to the MILLIONS or monetary denomination tracts)
he asked "WHAT IS IT?" I told him it was a Gospel tract, and explains about sin, and that our Founding fathers provided the opportunity for religious freedom. He stated " I don't think muslims have that freedom" I told him you can be muslim in America, but that neither islam, or buddhism, or any other "religion" can save you from your sin, and that Jesus was the only one who claimed to be our Salvation. He said " Yea, he said he is the way, the truth, and the life" I congratulated him on knowing about the bible, But before I could take him through the 10 commandments he told me he needed to catch the bus that had just arrived! Man... Jumped off the hook!!!! (fishing reference) Well, I was encouraged by that encounter, and headed down the train station and handed out tracts and greeted people, as I was heading back to my car, I stopped at the crosswalk, and felt that old leading to get in the middle of the square and preach open air.... I hesitated, trying to justify not preaching.... then in a moment of courage that only the Lord Jesus Christ can give, I pulled out my Bible, turned to Hebrews 9:27  and stood in the square.. "MAY, I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION.. EVERYONE?" Then it was on... I saw many shocked and inquisitive faces peering at me like I was a freak or wild man, yet many in the crowd, were looking and seemed to be attentive! After about 10-15 minutes I had concluded my open air, I couldn't help noticing a man standing in the bus mall, who had stayed for my preaching, and although he had turned around,  he had not left. I hadn't open air preached in a while, and this really helped me to know that God will be glorified, and lives may be saved.  In closing, I want you to know that if you will step out, get past your fears, and preach His word, not from your own understanding, but from His Holy Scriptures, Jesus is faithful and true to make His word reach out to the lost. I don't know how many may have heard His Gospel proclaimed, but I do know that the encouragement I got from one of the bus drivers, let's me know that at least ONE person heard!! Praise God for that!  In this new year, step out, make it your year for proclaiming the Gospel, and keep in touch for more stories of how Jesus is Glorified by the preaching of HIS word!

Until the nets are full!
